terça-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2023


They say it's Love that makes the world goes around. Which is what makes sense.

But it’s really like that?

Yes, there is our love for our family, friends. The love we feel for things we like. To those who say that there is the love of relationships, the love between two people.

But does it really exist or is it just the others, in the movies or something that they put in our heads?

I used to believe in Love when I was younger. I had the love of my grandparents, of my parents and sisters. Maybe the love of some friends and even the love for someone else. But now I really don’t believe it!! It seems something unattainable, something so far, far away from me!! 

I know we should not rush this kind of things but it’s starting to affect my mind in a deeper scale. 

Maybe it’s because I’m different, I don’t know but it feels so, so hard to find someone to love and that could love me back. 

It seems that these days people only care about social media, sex. Not really caring about the other, the relationships. It all seems so vague, so quick, so fast. 

I’m glad I have my family love but as we all know, it’s not enough. At least for me!! 

What do you guys feel about love? 

quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2020


Durante estes tempos conturbados em que vivemos, nada é melhor do que rir. Para isso vi este fantástico filme de Kathy Griffin. Simplesmente fantástico e super divertido. Já não é a primeira vez que vejo stand up comedies da grande Kathy e este foi sem dúvida um dos meus favoritos. Para que percebam um pouco da história, Kathy Griffin foi acusada injustamente de conspiração para assassinar o Presidente dos Estados Unidos da América.
Ela apenas tirou uma foto com uma MÁSCARA do Trumps coberta de ketchup. Claro que o Trumps não achou piada, uma vez que não tem sentido de humor, tendo colocado o Departamento de Justiça, a Sala Oval e a CIA a investigarem a pobre Kathy, que nada mais fez do que uma pequena foto humoristica.

Segundo a querida Kathy,  foi a única vez que um actual presidente deu tanta inportância e colocou vários departamentos a investigarem um cidadão civil americano. Kathy esteve sem poder viajar durantes vários meses, tendo todos os espectáculos que tinha sido cancelados. Foi colocada na lista da INTERPOL e teve de iniciar uma tour por vários paises  no mundo, pelo menos aqueles que não curtem Trump, mas em todos os aeroposrtos ia sendo detida.

Kathy como sempre levantou a cabeça e está melhor do que nunca.

During these troubled times in which we live, nothing is better than laughing. For that I saw this fantastic film by Kathy Griffin. Just fantastic and super fun. It is no longer the first time that I have seen the great Kathy stand up comedies and this was without a doubt one of my favorites. To get a little insight into the story, Kathy Griffin was wrongly accused of conspiracy to murder the President of the United States of America. 
She just took a picture with a Trump MASK covered in ketchup. Of course, Trump didn't find it funny, since he has no sense of humor, having put the Justice Department, the Oval Ofice and the CIA to investigate poor Kathy, who did nothing more than a small humorous photo. 

According to dear Kathy, it was the only time that a current president has given such importance and has put several departments to investigate an American civilian. Kathy was unable to travel for several months, all shows she had were canceled. She was placed on the INTERPOL list and had to start a tour of several countries in the world, at least those who don't like Trump, but in all airports she was being detained. 

Kathy as always raised her head and is better than ever. 

Links for Kathy Griffin:








terça-feira, 26 de setembro de 2017


I just saw this incredible documentary about one of my inspirations of all time, Lady Gaga. Directed by Chris Moukarnel, a young guy who had the adventure to follow this amazing artist!
She's been so much stronger than me, you, everyone! She's been soffering a lot of pain, but somehow she's been not showing that!!
I already had a lot of respect to her, but now I respect her a lot more!!
Was quite sad watching her having pain, crying, struggling with that on top of all the things: losing her man, having pain and trying to be the Mother Monster that we all know and love!!
You should watch it!! You will know her much more.
The girl who lives behind the Aura!!
Love you even more, Gaga!!

domingo, 26 de março de 2017


                       Image result for britney spears slumber party cover 
Esta vai ser a review do filme da Lifetime sobre a Britney Spears.

Para começar, eu sou um grande fã de Britney Spears. E sempre quis ver um dia um filme sobre a grande Diva da Pop, a Rainha.
Quando soube que a Lifetime iria fazer uma Biopic sobre a Britney fiquei ancioso que o filme chegasse.  Finalmente chegou, em Fevereiro de 2017. Só o consegui ver agora, uma vez que em Portugal não dispomos de nenhum canal que o transmitisse. Pelo que o vi online.O filme ficou muito aquém das expectativas.  Muito má escolha de actriz para interpretar o papel de Britney. Nada minimamente parecida. Demasiado magra para interpretar Britney. Estava a contar que o filme foi bem mais promenorizado, como o filme que fizeram sobre a Anna Nicole Smith. Esse sim foi um excelente filme. A actriz excepcional. Mas a actriz que escolheram para Birtney, nada a ver com ela. Natasha Bassett, bonitinha, sim, mas nunca chegará aos calcanhares da Britney Spears.
Eu percebo que o filme é apenas uma biografia sobre a artista, mas das rascas.
Além disso não foi autorizado foi pela Britney ou pela sua equipe.
Faltou músicas, detalhes de outros acontecimentos, como a suposta rivalidade entre ela e a Christina Aguilera. O beijo e a amazidade com Madonna.
Não fiquei nada convencido com o filme. Espava mais, principalmente por ser um filme da Lifetime. Até o filme que eles fizeram sobre a J.K. Rowling foi bem mais convincente.
Definitivamente não recomendo. 

This will be the review of the Lifetime movie about Britney Spears.I'm a big fan of Britney Spears. And I always wanted to see was a movie about the great Pop Diva, the Queen Britney Spears.When I learned that Lifetime was going to do a Biopic about Britney, I was anxious to see the movie.
Finally arrived in February 2017. I only saw it now, since in Portugal we don't have any channel to transmit it. So i  saw it online.The film fell far short of expectations.Very bad choice of actress to play the role of Britney. Nothing like Her. Too skinny to play Britney. I was counting that the film was much more promenorized, like the movie they did on Anna Nicole Smith. That was an excellent movie. The Outstanding Actress. But the actress they chose for Birtney, nothing to do with her. Natasha Bassett, pretty, yes, but she will never reach the one and only Britney Spears. I realize that the film is just a biography about the artist, but very bad. Plus it was not authorized either by Britney or her staff.She missed songs, details of other events, such as the alleged rivalry between her and Christina Aguilera. The kiss and friendship with Madonna.I wasn't at all convinced by the film. I was hoping more, especially as it's a Lifetime movie. Even the movie they did about J.K. Rowling was far more convincing.Definitely not recommend.

sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2016


Recentemente fui ver o "Lar da Senhora Peregrine para Crianças Peculiares", mas antes já tinha lido os 2 primeiros livros desta saga.
Gostei do filme mas fiquei um pouco desiludido com algumas mudanças que fizeram. Não sei se foi opção do argumentista, do realizador ou mesmo do escritor Ransom Riggs, o qual acho pouco provável.
Primeiro o que me deixou extremamente "zangado" foi o facto de terem alterado/trocado as peculiaridades de duas das personagens, Emma e a Olive. Emma no livro é quem consegue fazer chamas com as mãos, ao passo que Olive é a que consegue flutuar/voar.
Outra coisa que eu não vi escrita no livro foi o sitio onde Emma ia sem que a vissem, mas no filme retratam este aspecto mostrando o enorme navio que irão utilizar para sair da ilha.
Outra coisa que me deixou perplexo foi terem, acho eu, mas também ainda não terminei a saga, falta-me o 3º livro "Biblioteca de Almas", alterado o final que no livro termina com as crianças peculiares e Jacob a sairem da Ilha em pequenos barcos, e não num enorme navio. E também porque acrescentaram coisas ao filme, como eles estarem na feira onde acabam por matar 3 ou 4 sem almas.
Fora este pequenos, mas grandes pormenores, gostei do filme. Se bem que quem tenha lido os livros prefere-os ao filme. 

Recently I went to see the "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children", but before i had already read the first 2 books of this saga.I liked the movie but I was a little disappointed with some changes they made. I don't know if it was the choice of the screenwriter, the director or even the writer Ransom Riggs, which I think is unlikely.What made me extremely angry was the fact that they changed the peculiarities of two of the characters, Emma and Olive. Emma, in the book, is the one who can make flames with her hands, while Olive is the one who can float / fly.Another thing I did not see written in the book was where Emma went without being seen, but in the movie they depict this aspect by showing the huge ship they will use to leave the island.Another thing that perplexed me was, I think, but I still have not finished the saga, I'm missing the 3rd book "Biblioteca de Almas", changed the ending that ends with the peculiar children and Jacob leaving the Island in Small boats, not a huge ship. And also because they added things to the movie, like they are at the fair where they end up killing 3 or 4 without souls.Out of this small, but great detail, I enjoyed the movie. Although those who have read the books prefer them to the film.

Here some links for you to see more of this:


terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2016


Adoro esta manteiga de amemdoin!! É super cremosa, deliciosa.
A primeira vez que vi e ouvi falar deste produto foi através de um filme da Disney, "THE PARENT TRAP". Neste filme a personagem interpretada pela Lindsay Lohan come bolachas Oreo com manteiga de amendoim. Não me recordo se era esta a marca que usaram, mas de qualquer das maneira, foi aqui que, pela primeira vez ouvi falar de uma manteiga feita de amendoim. Felizmente que em Portugal existe à venda. Adoro!! Mal posso esperar para comprar a próxima embalagem.
Se quiserem experimentar, vão ao vosso supermercado e procurem pela #SKIPPY

I love this peanut butter!! It's creamy, delicious. The first time i saw and heard about this product was through a Disney movie, "THE PARENT TRAP". In this movie, the character played by Lindsay Lohan eat Oreo cookies with peanut butter. I can't remember if this was the brand they used, but either way, it was here that, for the first time, i heard of a butter made from peanuts.
Fortunately that in Portugal there is for sale. Love it!! Can not wait to buy the next package.
If you want to try, just go to your grocery store or supermarket and look for #SKIPPY


segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015




On the grounds where nowadays lays the "Estufa Fria" (Cold Greenhouse of Lisbon) complex, it existed before, on the turning of the XIX century, a quarry from where basalt was extracted. Due to the existance of a water stream that turned impracticable the rock extraction, the querry ceased labouring.

The quarry pit was then used by a humble gardener to shelter botanical species from all around the wolrd, that would be soon used in the arborization plan of the nearby avenue "Avenida da Liberdade". The First Wolrd War slowed down this plan and plants started growing their roots arround this sheltered place.

In 1926, the painter and architect Raul Caparinha, after discovering this pleasant green area, idealised a project to transform it in the Greenhouse, which was concluded in 1930 and had the official opening three years later.

During the 40's, the whole "Parque Eduardo VII" park suffered changes, adopting the shape that we nowadays recognise. The "Estufa" was no exception and, besides the entry remodelling and new framing, was created the borderline lake and a huge room underneath the park's grove, the inner room "Nave", used during several years as Municipal Theatre. Nowadays, is sometimes used for entertainment and cultural events.

In 1975 was the opening of "Estufa Quente" (Warm Grennhouse) and "Estufa Doce" (Sweet Greenhouse), original idea of Engineer Pulido Garcia, voted to permanet exhibition of tropical and equatorial plants. 


"Estufa Fria" isn't only one greenhouse, but three different ones, that occupy about one and a half hectare of land nearby the "Parque Eduardo VII".

The "Estufa Fria" (Cold Greenhouse) itself occupies 8.100 square meters. Initisally idealised as a shelter for plants (the greenhouse terminology can be use in this sense), this greenhouse always kept its function, while it gathered magnificent botanical spoil, from all corners around the world.

The name Cold Greenhouse results from the fact that it doesn't use any warming system at all. The different characteristics of the other greenhouses (both destined to more exotic plants), with glass roofing and higher temperatures, distinguishes them as warm greenhouses.

The wooden lath roofing which covers the "Estufa Fria", replacing the old wooden blids once used, aims to protect the plants from the winter inclemecy and the heat of summer. These attached laths are conditioners of light intensity, providing an ideal temperature for the development of plants from several countries and world regions like China; Australia; Mexico; Peru; Brazil; Antilles; Korean Peninsula, among many others. 

Inside the "Estufa Quente" (Warm Greenhouse), in a 3.000 square meters in area, mingle several tropical plants such as the Coffee plant (Coffea arabica); the Mango tree (Mangifera indica) or the Bananas (Musa spp).

 The "Estufa Doce" (Sweet Greenhouse), the smallest of all, with only about 400 square meters, is the Cactaceae home. Here we can find the succulent plants, so-called due to their thick leaves and jelly-alike concistence. The Cctus are their most commonly know members. It's worth seeing the shapes of Golden barrel (Echinocactus grusonii), of Silver torch (Cleisticactus strausii) or Bitter aloe (Aloe vera). 

It's also worthwhile to point out the advantage taken from many stones that ornament the "Estufa" and are integral part of the stairs, waterfalls and small pounds, resulting from the basalt quarry that once existed. 

Among the vegetation it's possible to discover some statuary pieces that enhances the charm of this truly "vegetal museum" where time goes by slowly and pleasently.

Informations about the Estufa Fria: 
Opening times:
Summer Season: 9h - 18h (after March's last weekend);
Winter Season: 9h - 17h (after October's last weekend).

Last admission: 30 minutes before closing time.

Open everyday except 1st January, 1st May and 25th December.

How to get there
"Parque" Station (Blue line)
Exit towards: Parque Eduardo VII; Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo; Av. António Augusto de Aguiar; Av. Sidónio Pais.
"Marquês de Pombal" Station (Yellow and Blue line)
Exit towards: Av. António Augusto de Aguiar; Parque Eduardo VII; Praça Marquês de Pombal; Rua Braancamp.

12; 22; 36; 44; 702; 720; 745
Bus stop: Marquês de Pombal