terça-feira, 26 de setembro de 2017


I just saw this incredible documentary about one of my inspirations of all time, Lady Gaga. Directed by Chris Moukarnel, a young guy who had the adventure to follow this amazing artist!
She's been so much stronger than me, you, everyone! She's been soffering a lot of pain, but somehow she's been not showing that!!
I already had a lot of respect to her, but now I respect her a lot more!!
Was quite sad watching her having pain, crying, struggling with that on top of all the things: losing her man, having pain and trying to be the Mother Monster that we all know and love!!
You should watch it!! You will know her much more.
The girl who lives behind the Aura!!
Love you even more, Gaga!!

domingo, 26 de março de 2017


                       Image result for britney spears slumber party cover 
Esta vai ser a review do filme da Lifetime sobre a Britney Spears.

Para começar, eu sou um grande fã de Britney Spears. E sempre quis ver um dia um filme sobre a grande Diva da Pop, a Rainha.
Quando soube que a Lifetime iria fazer uma Biopic sobre a Britney fiquei ancioso que o filme chegasse.  Finalmente chegou, em Fevereiro de 2017. Só o consegui ver agora, uma vez que em Portugal não dispomos de nenhum canal que o transmitisse. Pelo que o vi online.O filme ficou muito aquém das expectativas.  Muito má escolha de actriz para interpretar o papel de Britney. Nada minimamente parecida. Demasiado magra para interpretar Britney. Estava a contar que o filme foi bem mais promenorizado, como o filme que fizeram sobre a Anna Nicole Smith. Esse sim foi um excelente filme. A actriz excepcional. Mas a actriz que escolheram para Birtney, nada a ver com ela. Natasha Bassett, bonitinha, sim, mas nunca chegará aos calcanhares da Britney Spears.
Eu percebo que o filme é apenas uma biografia sobre a artista, mas das rascas.
Além disso não foi autorizado foi pela Britney ou pela sua equipe.
Faltou músicas, detalhes de outros acontecimentos, como a suposta rivalidade entre ela e a Christina Aguilera. O beijo e a amazidade com Madonna.
Não fiquei nada convencido com o filme. Espava mais, principalmente por ser um filme da Lifetime. Até o filme que eles fizeram sobre a J.K. Rowling foi bem mais convincente.
Definitivamente não recomendo. 

This will be the review of the Lifetime movie about Britney Spears.I'm a big fan of Britney Spears. And I always wanted to see was a movie about the great Pop Diva, the Queen Britney Spears.When I learned that Lifetime was going to do a Biopic about Britney, I was anxious to see the movie.
Finally arrived in February 2017. I only saw it now, since in Portugal we don't have any channel to transmit it. So i  saw it online.The film fell far short of expectations.Very bad choice of actress to play the role of Britney. Nothing like Her. Too skinny to play Britney. I was counting that the film was much more promenorized, like the movie they did on Anna Nicole Smith. That was an excellent movie. The Outstanding Actress. But the actress they chose for Birtney, nothing to do with her. Natasha Bassett, pretty, yes, but she will never reach the one and only Britney Spears. I realize that the film is just a biography about the artist, but very bad. Plus it was not authorized either by Britney or her staff.She missed songs, details of other events, such as the alleged rivalry between her and Christina Aguilera. The kiss and friendship with Madonna.I wasn't at all convinced by the film. I was hoping more, especially as it's a Lifetime movie. Even the movie they did about J.K. Rowling was far more convincing.Definitely not recommend.